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Apr 17, 20211 min read
Built-In Cabinet & Wardrobe Tips for Homeowners to Avoid and Reduce Termites - White Ants Problem
sThis is a solution for home owners to have an eye for termite activities when installing built-in cabinets for your property. When...
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Apr 15, 20211 min read
Termites - White Ants Destroy Cabinets at Sri Kembangan Home
Small yet Destructive. Our Team, Kilstant White Ants was called to inspect a home at Sunway Eastwood, Equine Park at Sri Kembangan,...
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Apr 13, 20211 min read
Termites during Raining Season
Every time it rains especially in Malaysia, termites are bound to be more aggressive in their movement and expansion off their nest. Why...
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Feb 18, 20211 min read
Do Termite Swarmers or Alates have gender?
At certain times of the year, termite colonies produce “swarmers” - the winged adults that fly away to form their own colonies. Swarming...
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Feb 4, 20211 min read
Why do Termites exist in Malaysia & in the world?
Termites are actually an important part of the ecosystem This is because termites are efficient at breaking down cellulose, releasing its...
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Dec 2, 20201 min read
Can Termites - White Ants eat wooden door frame?
Absolutely Yes !!! Termites (White Ants) and door frames go hand in hand and this is one of the spots that we inspect in a building....
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Oct 14, 20201 min read
Termites Attack High Rise in Bangsar South
Kilstant White Ants was called to assess the Termite Issues that has arise at one of the many condominiums and phases that were built in...
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May 27, 20201 min read
Can termites eat my sofa?
Absolutely Yes but HOW and WHY?? We need to understand that termites are after cellulose in materials and sofa sets certainly contain...
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May 20, 20201 min read
Can termites attack high rise apartments, penthouse ?
Yes absolutely they can do that. High rise are not safe from termites. We must always remember that the building is built on the soil and...
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May 13, 20201 min read
Why do Termite Create Mud Tubes ?
Termites create mud tubes for these reasons: Protect themselves from external disturbance Protect their movements Termite mud tubes...
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May 6, 20201 min read
How do Termite Mud Tubes look like?
Firstly termites and mud tubes go hand in hand. Termites create mud tubes for various reasons which we will discuss in the next blog....
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Apr 29, 20201 min read
Can termites come in? My house is made out of Concrete, Steel roof truss and No Wood.
Yes they can!! Termites can't and don't eat concrete. Concrete do not contain cellulose that termites are after like in the wood...
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Apr 22, 20201 min read
Can i use Ridsect or Spray the termites before calling Exterminators?
Please kindly don't spray any form of insecticides for termites! Even if you choose to do so, there will be serious and more damaging...
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Apr 8, 20201 min read
Can termites eat concrete?
NO!! Termites can't and don't eat concrete. Concrete do not contain cellulose that termites are after like in the wood. Having said that,...
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Apr 8, 20201 min read
Can Termites - White Ants bite human?
The answer is YES! White Ants bite but only done so if its handled or disturbed. Biting humans on purpose was never a biological choice...
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